Today, we went on a berry picking adventure at Krause Berry Farms.  It was our first time visiting and we weren’t quite sure what to expect.  We arrived early in the morning to make sure we didn’t have to wait in line for berry picking, as they close the fields for resting sometimes quite early in the day. 

Krause Berry Farms - upick baskets
For the U-pick berry fields, you must purchase these baskets for $18 for 4 litres. You cannot bring your own containers, due to COVID-19 policies. Each person – even toddlers- need to buy one in order to gain access to the berry fields.

When you visit Krause Berry Farm, make sure to wear comfortable shoes, pants and a shirt that you don’t mind getting dirty.

Also, you have to walk a TON but when you get to the picking fields it’s worth it because there is a wide selection of berries, such as raspberries, strawberries and blueberries.

After you’ve picked your money’s worth of berries (given you have eaten one or two or fifty berries) and still have room left in your grumbly tummy, you can head over to the cafe to get some delicious waffles with fresh raspberries and whipped cream.

They are absolutely to DIE for! And a must-have!

Overall, I would give Krause Berry Farms a big thumbs up and would definitely recommend this place to other people and visit myself one day when blueberries are in season!

They have a beautiful flower garden!

Thanks for reading!!!
