Camping this year was very different but just as fun! 

The Weather

On the day we arrived it was BOILING!!! But the other days were either cloudy or rainy.

The Campground

There were three campsites but only two of them were open. We stayed at Lakeside campground and our campsite was right on the lake! There was a lot of moss and trees. Me and my friend saw two geese and their chicks. We even named some of them!

Deer Lake Hike

We went on a hike around a lake called Deer Lake. It was sort of steep and rocky but otherwise it was really fun! We also saw a ton of thick dense moss and even a frog!

The Village

Although we weren’t able to go into any stores except for the Baskin Robbins and an AMAZING chocolate shop it was still really cool to see a hot spring and walk around a lake sized puddle. 


The  ice cream at Baskin Robbin’s was TOTALLY AWESOME! I would definitely recommended going there as well as the walking along the Promenade and the hot spring.

The Hot Spring

Hot springs are created when water evaporates and then heats up from the earth or it can be heated up by magma underground. Then, the water trickles out of rocks to form a pool. Sometimes, the hot springs smell bad and that is because of sulfurous gas.