Savary Island is a wonderful place to bike, walk, and drive. Me and my parents biked the whole island!

This biking guide will tell you what to bring, what to wear and show you some of the cool things we saw while biking Savary Island. I’ll also give you my opinion on the best beach on Savary Island!

South Beach on Savary Island – by far the nicest beach of them all! Look at the white sand!

What to Bring

  • Bring enough water, I recommend at least 1.5 liters for an adult and 1 liter for a child for a day trip, as there are no individual water bottles for sale at the one and only general store on the island. They do sell 4L bottles of water – but that’s a lot to haul around and a bit on the bulky side!
  • Lunch and snacks – there is only one grocery store on Savary Island offering basic supplies, and they don’t have pre-made lunches. I recommend grabbing some yummy food at Nancy’s Bakery in Lund.
  • Sun hat
  • Hoodie
  • Sunscreen
  • Towel
  • Bathing suit
  • Bike lock
  • Helmet


  • I brought a GoGirl pee funnel to do my business in a bush since there are no public toilets on the island
  • Flip flops, because there are numerous beaches

What to Wear

What to wear depends on the weather, so make sure to check what the weather is like a day in advance, otherwise, you will end up like me and wear pants in the beating sun! 🙂

But, really, it was a little difficult to wear the right clothing on the day we went. It was cloudy (as you will see from our photos) and bit cool on the water, when traveling to the island, but then it was sunny and hot in the afternoon.

I recommend wearing shorts and packing pants or vice versa but either way make sure to bring a hoodie and sun hat!

How to Get to Savary Island

First you need to drive to Lund – Mile 0 on Highway 101 and from there you boat over to the island.

There is basically only one water taxi for people going over to Savary Island without cars: Lund Water Taxi, and they take bikes for a few extra dollars per person too. Make sure you make reservations a week in advance, especially in peak season: July & August.  Arrive approximately 45 min to 1 hour before your scheduled time to depart and be sure to grab a yummy lunch and delicious snacks at Nancy’s Bakery, as there is not much on offer for food at Savary Island.

If you don’t want to bring your bike, you can rent one on Savary Island. However, be prepared to walk a little ways from the wharf and up a big hill.

The Beaches!

Savary Island offers a variety of beaches and my favourite beach is South Beach because it is sort of hidden and it has the whitest sands in BC!

South Beach

To get to South Beach, when you get off of the Wharf turn left along the road, till you get to Townley Walk. Walk up Townley Walk, up the big hill and then you will see a spot where you can park your bike. Follow the trail to the beach!

Mermaid Beach

You can find Mermaid Beach a little further down the island just past the “S curve” of Vancouver Blvd, where Savary Island Rd starts – which by the way, is a better route for bikes – it’s more like a trail and definitely less traffic and less dusty on a dry summer day!

At the trail head to Mermaid Beach, there is no bike parking, but we just locked our bikes up to a tree. The beach was fairly nice, but it had a few more rocks than South Beach.

Indian Point

Indian Point is where the boat ramp is on the island. Nice beach to hang out on, with some nice sand.

Sunset Beach

Sunset Beach was okay, more seaweed and again a few more rocks than South Beach.

Duck Bay

This beach was kind of “on the way” not really worth stopping at for too long. Again lots of rocks.

Overall South Beach is the best beach to spend any substantial time at, in my opinion. However, it’s definitely worth touring around and have a look at all the other beaches!

Lund, BC