This summer, for our final big trip of the summer, we went to Vancouver Island. For the first few nights, we camped in Comox. Here are some of the things that we did there.

Kye Beach

Our campground was very close to a beautiful, sandy beach called Kye Beach. we spent at least 3 hours there and it was totally worth it! We paddle boarded for an hour or so and then I swam for another hour in the warm, ocean water. The only thing I didn’t like about this beach, was that when the tide came in, there was a ton of seaweed blocking the ocean and it was disgusting walking through it.

Qualicum Beach

Qualicum Beach is a nice town about an hour away from where we camped. We were meeting some friends for dinner so we decided to go a few hours earlier to spend some time at Qualicum Beach and have a picnic lunch on a beach there as well. As we were eating lunch, we were joined by some friendly bird neighbours called quails! We also went on a short hike to some beautiful falls.

Nymph Falls

Our last activity was driving to Nymph Falls which are very beautiful. We took a short hike and I really liked this hike because it was a good length and had wheelchair access. In the end, I would totally recommend doing this hike!