San Francisco

This summer, we took a special trip to California to visit one of our closest friends. It was an amazing trip, and the different activities we did were super fun!. During the trip we visited a prison, stayed in a cabin with a mouse, wakeboarded, and so much more!


When we arrived in San Francisco, one of the first thing we did was visit the famous prison, Alcatraz! It was SO COOL!!! We saw cells that famous criminals had stayed in, where the prisoners ate, exercised, and even how a couple of rogues escaped!

I would totally recommend going there with your kids, but there was an optional audio tour that I would suggest for older kids, because it gets a little dark at times. Overall it was a fantastic experience and I’m so glad we went.

Ghirardelli Square

After we toured around Alcatraz, we took a walk around Pier 39. Nearby was Ghirardelli (pronounced gear-ar-delly) Square. Ghirardelli creates and produces chocolate, ice cream, milkshakes, and more. Me and my dad tried their ice cream and it was delicious! I would totally recommend their chocolate ice cream! Although we didn’t order their milkshakes or sundaes, I saw a few of them and they looked AMAZING!!!!

Lake Berryessa

For the second half of our trip, we rented a cabin at Lake Berryessa with some of our California friends, and it was awesome hanging out in our friend’s boat.

I also learned how to wakeboard! Since I snowboard, it only took me a few tries to get the hang of it, and then I was totally addicted! We also went tubing, and the tube completely flipped over!!! On our last night, as I was grabbing something to drink, I saw a MOUSE running into one of the closets. We saw that mouse (who we named Malbec, LOL 😉) a LOT that evening!!! 😬 Other than our unexpected guest, staying at Berryessa was really fun and I would recommend staying there as it is a beautiful part of California with tons to do!

Overall, this was a FANTASTIC trip and we made lots of new memories that I will remember forever!