Hi everyone! I know I haven’t done any blog posts since May, but that is because we have an exciting trip that will take up a few posts. My mom really wants to show me around Ontario, which is where she grew up so we thought this was the perfect opportunity to go! The next posts will be filled with all the places we visited such as the CN tower, Casa Loma, and Guelph University! I am so excited to share this awesome trip with you guys, so sit back, relax, and let’s board the plane for a new and exciting adventure!


Day 1: Walking Through The City

On our first day in Toronto, my mom took me around the city and showed me where she had her first job, her prom, and lots of other cool places. I got to go to the Eaton Centre which is a shopping mall, and the new and old city halls. It was very fun but also very tiring and afterwards my feet hurt a lot!

Did you know Toronto is the largest city in Canada, and the 4th largest city in North America and it’s the biggest car-free urban community in North America!

Day 1: CN Tower

On this trip, me and my mom got to have dinner at the CN Tower! Overall it was a great experience. The staff were very nice and the food was absolutely delicious! Unfortunately, we didn’t get to walk on the glass bottom area because it was super busy but there is also a gift shop so we went there and I bought a T-shirt, which I love! I would definitely recommend going to the CN Tower if you enjoy beautiful views and delicious food! 

Did you know the CN Tower was classified as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1995 and took 40 months to build and cost $63 million!

Day 2: Casa Loma

On our second day in Toronto, we went to Casa Loma which is a very big castle. It was super fun to look at all of the rooms and explore all of the secret passageways! There was even a 800 foot underground tunnel that went underneath the castle and a road to get to the very large garage! This castle has something for everyone and does not fail to impress!

Did you know that Lady Mary Pellatt was the first Chief Commissioner of the Girl Guides of Canada. She also had a bigger bedroom than her husband because she wanted a balcony that overlooked the gardens, where she hosted Girl Guide meetings.

Day 3: Centre Island

For our third day we packed our backpacks and took a ferry to Centre Island! This island is really fun because there is an amusement park, lots of different places to eat, beaches, and even a quadricycle rental which was my favourite part. The island is pretty cool and I would definitely recommend going there for the day because there are so many things you can do in such a short time there. To get there, take a ferry from Bay St and then the rest is pretty self explanatory. The only thing I didn’t like was how busy the ferry and ferry terminal were but otherwise, Centre Island is one of my favourite places to go in Toronto and get away from the hustle and bustle.

Did you know that the first lighthouse keeper was murdered on the Island and that Babe Ruth hit his first professional home run at Hanlan’s Point!

On day 4, we drove to Collingwood but on the way there, we stopped at some of the places where my mom grew up such as her schools and her old houses. I really enjoyed seeing a piece of my mom’s childhood and I learnt a lot about her.

We also drove to stopped at Scarborough Bluffs which has a beautiful view and a marina!

Overall I enjoyed staying in Toronto and it was very interesting to see all of these historic buildings in a somewhat modern city. I would recommend going here for a few days but not very long because it is a very busy and exhausting city.